Be blessed, I responded to the virus infected messege the subject line reads
as so "
Bin Laden Captured - photos and video" with an attachment, the attachment is
more than likely a virus, it was crossposted to all newsgroups containing
[christnet] you may be thankfull that your news server did not allow this
message to post on your service, but I was hoping that if the warning for
those who did see the post would prevent it from being opened, Then if you
filter out attachments, you will be safe also, I use binary attachments in a
motorcycle newsgroup, that I frequent, and surprisingly I have found that
one other member in this other group offered a prayer request to all of us
who believed in christ, and that request was welcomed by 90% of the group
and the other ten percent felt genuine concern, and that got me thinking
that there was probably an on topic group for his request, thats when I
found this group the first time.
Sorry for rambling, some day I will be a pastor, to bring Gods words to many
I am willing for God to lead me there, I just have a habbit of typing alot.